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4 Donnerstag 13 3 2025 Messe-News Student Day Keynote From Classroom to Real World How Open Hardware is Shaping Tomorrow’s Innovators In a world increasingly driven by technology the journey from curious learner to creative innovator has never been more essential – or more accessible Over the past two decades Arduino has championed opensource hardware and software offering an empowering handson experience that lowers barriers to entry for students hobbyists and professionals alike The embedded world Student Day Keynote held by Fabio Violante CEO of Arduino delves into the transformative role of open hardware platforms in reshaping education and fostering a new generation of problemsolvers The core of Arduino’s mission is to enable learners of all backgrounds to experiment and build nurturing the curiosity that fuels longterm growth By simplifying electronics and programming the Arduino ecosystem makes it possible for novices to tackle advanced concepts like sensor integration robotics and wireless connectivity – skills increasingly demanded by a workforce evolving alongside rapid technological changes Fabio’s keynote will examine how Arduino’s accessible approach global community support and commitment to openness have expanded innovation opportunities well beyond traditional classrooms Apivotal element of this evolution lies in the convergence of key technologies AI IoT and open hardware As classrooms move beyond theory students can seamlessly integrate machine learning algorithms connected devices and sensor data into tangible projects These handson experiences cultivate a deep understanding of how various technologies intersect and invite learners to develop solutions that address realworld challenges from sustainable agriculture to remote healthcare monitoring Through practical examples and success stories from schools worldwide attendees will see how accessible hardware enables students to create meaningful impact in their communities Looking ahead the trajectory of AI and IoT continues to lower barriers for young innovators Edge computing solutions that once seemed complex or out of reach are now within grasp extending the potential applications students can explore By mastering these disciplines early learners gain a competitive edge and a mindset of continuous discovery equipping them to adapt to the evershifting demands of industry and academia Ultimately this keynote highlights the ongoing commitment to democratizing technology Fabio Violante will reflect on Arduino’s twentyyear journey sharing lessons learned while offering insights into future developments Educators policymakers and industry leaders will come away with strategies for integrating open hardware into curricula and fostering collaborations that spark creativity Through this conversation on blending opensource principles AI and IoT we invite a new wave of inventors who see challenges not as obstacles but as catalysts for progress Join us in envisioning an inclusive future where every learner has the power to innovate and where the boundary between classroom projects and worldchanging ideas grows ever more permeable By highlighting success stories that merge embedded systems AIdriven decisionmaking and networked applications Fabio’s keynote showcases the power of opensource collaboration to bring fresh solutions into classrooms and communities As we stand at the intersection of emerging technologies we are reminded that innovation thrives expansively on inclusivity – and that broad access to knowledge is the cornerstone of tomorrow’s breakthroughs powering progress worldwide STUDENT DAY Learn more about open hardware in the keynote by Fabio Violante CEO of Arduino It will take place as part of the Student Day 9 30 to 12 00 NCC Mitte Room Brussels Introduction by Prof Dr -Ing Axel Sikora Pitch by sponsoring companies Fabio Violante CEO Arduino Moderiert von Fachredakteuren Die VIP-Bühne auf dem WEKA-Messestand Sponsored by Bühne frei für interessante Gesprächspartner aus der Elektronikbranche Auf der VIP-Bühne in Nürnberg drehte sich alles um die aktuellen Trends in der Embedded-Welt Alle Interviews finden Sie hier im Überblick Besuchen Sie uns auf dem WEKA-Fachmedien-Messestand in Halle 3A Stand 311 und erleben Sie die Experten live WEKA Fachmedien Halle 3A Stand 311 Uhrzeit Thema Gast 10 00 Uhr Gehalt und Arbeitsmarkt embedded Nadja Eder Schuh-Eder Consulting 11 00 Uhr Erstes Messe-Fazit Benedikt Weyerer NürnbergMesse Än de ru ng en vo rb eh alt en Recom Hoch effizient auf kleinstem Raum Zu den Neuheiten die Recom auf der embedded world vorstellt gehört der 1-W-Wandler R05C1TF05S mit 2 5 kVAC funktionaler Isolation im 4 × 5 mm großen LGA-Gehäuse Damit belegt das Bauteil nur 20 Prozent der Fläche die ein tradi tionelles SOIC16-Gehäuse beansprucht und eignet sich somit sehr gut für High-Density nichtsicherheitskritische High-Speed-Anwendungen Erhältlich ist der Wandler in drei Eingang-Ausgang-Kombinationen 3 3 V 3 3 V 5 V 3 3 Voder 5 V 5 V Ausgestellt wird auf der Messe auch der R05CT05S zur Versorgung digitaler Isolatoren oder zum Ansteuern von GaN-Leistungshalbleitern Die Wandler sind isoliert transformatorlos und in flachen Gehäusen mit 0 5 und 1 W Ausgangsleistung erhältlich Das 0 5-W-Bauteil R05CT05S ist in einem SOIC16-Gehäuse mit 5 kVAC verstärkter Isolation untergebracht Zur Wahl stehen Modelle mit 5-und 3 3-V-Ausgang Mit einer Betriebsspannung von 1 kVAC 8 mm Kriechstrecke und einer MOPP-Zulassung empfiehlt sich der Wandler auch für Medizinanwendungen eg Halle 4A Stand 329 und Halle 3A Stand 211