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Mittwoch 12 3 2025 Messe-News www singlepairethernetforum de 23 Oktober 2025 Forum am Schlosspark Ludwigsburg Ein Event von Single Pair Ethernet verstehen Auf dem Forum „Single Pair Ethernet“ wird die neue Technologie ganzheitlich betrachtet – von der Komponente bis zum Gesamtsystem Erfahrene Referenten verschiedener Unternehmen und Branchen zeigen auf welche Vorteile die neue Schlüsseltechnologie in vielen unterschiedlichen Branchen bringen wird Single Pair Ethernet praktisch umsetzen Lernen Sie von erfahrenen Referenten sowie ersten Anwendern wie sich Single Pair Ethernet bereits heute realisieren lässt Unsere Referenten zeigen konkrete Anwendungen und beantworten Ihre Fragen rund um Technologie und Marktpotenziale SPE-Talk und Networking Mit Single Pair Ethernet beschäftigen sich unterschiedliche Hersteller und Anwender aus verschiedenen Branchen Zudem spielt die Standardisierung eine wichtige Rolle Tre en Sie die Experten aus verschiedenen Disziplinen Ein Austausch untereinander kann echte Innovation entstehen lassen VON DER THEORIE IN DIE PRAXIS CALL FOR PAPERS BIS 15 MAI 2025 EINREICHEN Ultralowpower NVM technology »Weebit ReRAM « Improving IoT Performance with Smart Memory Partitioning Lowpower design is critical for batteryoperated devices and so the embedded nonvolatile memory NVM needs to be lowpower and highly durable Ultralowpower NVM technology like Weebit ReRAM or RRAM from Weebit Nano can extend the time between recharges or battery replacements while improving overall system energy efficiency Embedded ultralowpower NVM has to be reliable to support continuous monitoring logging and communication of small data packets over the product’s lifetime Its lowvoltage memory transactions and rapid access times significantly reduce power consumption Moreover ReRAM’s range of modes – programming standby sleep and very deep powerdown with rapid wakeup – enables nearzero leakage for both internal and external memory Weebit Nano is now delivering its ReRAM NVM for use in IoT devices that must run for years on a single battery in a compact space The technology is available from multiple fab partners and has been licensed to semiconductor manufacturers including onsemi which will use it in its Treo platform Reducing memory power consumption also frees up energy for other critical system components Designers can further optimize by implementing smart poweraware memory partitioning dividing data intelligently between volatile and nonvolatile resources to reduce reliance on system SRAM Consider a wearable sensor monitoring a health parameter In a traditional design code is stored on external flash and then loaded into local code SRAM for the MCU which consumes power during wakeup data transfer and SRAM maintenance An eXecute in Place XiP architecture uses onchip ReRAM to store code so the MCU fetches it directly – eliminating the need for external flash access This not only reduces wakeup time but also cuts power consumption by about 30 percent compared to the traditional approach Further power savings are possible by storing log data directly in onchip ReRAM eliminating external flash altogether Replacing the onchip code SRAM and portions of data SRAM with ReRAM can achieve roughly a 60 percent power reduction potentially extending device life to four years Logging processed data directly into ReRAM – bypassing most of the SRAM – can extend lifetime even further to over five years thanks to ReRAM’s nearzero power usage for data retention during inactive periods Advantages in power consumption and device lifetime Reconsidering memory technology and architecture can yield significant advantages in power consumption and device lifetime – benefits that are even more critical for devices without a battery In energyharvesting systems conventional designs may consume more power than is available whereas ReRAM’s ultralowpower operation makes the difference Advanced hearing aids wireless earphones pacemakers and other medical or wearable devices requiring overtheair OTA firmware updates can also benefit Standard ultralowpower flash may not provide enough energy for chip erase and programming during OTA updates making ReRAM a superior choice In summary embedded NVM like ReRAM when paired with smart memory partitioning can greatly enhance the energy efficiency of both batteryoperated and energyharvesting integrated circuits ak Weebit Nano Hall 4 Booth 658 Typical MCU architecture with external flash Image Weebit Nano Example medical device logging system with onchip ReRAM for code and data Image Weebit Nano