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14 Mittwoch 12 3 2025 Messe-News embedded world – the official daily 2025 UDE® Universal Debug Engine Debug ◼ Trace ◼ Test Booth 4-310 C C++ Compiler Debug Interface XCP CAN Trace Interface Simulator Interface 3 rd Party Tools Flash Programming Multicore Automation Scripting Universal Access Device Profiling Code Coverage Trace Analysis AUTOSAR RTOS Support Simulators Virtual Platforms Simulators Multicore Microcontrollers Embedded Processors Object Model API www plsmc com Professional Multicore Debugging Trace for Microcontrollers Embedded Processors CodeMeter – Vom Code zum Erfolg sales@wibu com www wibu com Treffen Sie uns Halle 4 - Stand 168 Software mit CodeMeter in Umsatz verwandeln Flexible Monetarisierung Robuster IP-Schutz Volle Kompatibilität Zukunftssichere Lösungen Stärkere Wurzeln und neue Höhen für Ihre Software – dank CodeMeter precision mechanics It provides a detailed 3D live image in 4K UHD resolution with low latency and without the need for 3D glasses The digital microscope enables detailed analysis of PCBs and assemblies to identify faults such as short circuits or faulty solder joints It illuminates and magnifies the object under observation by a factor of 6 to 30 Thanks to digital imaging the inspection results can be documented directly and used for further analyses or reports The camera heads are positioned 43 cm above the object so no parts of the device are in the way This setup allows for improved workplace ergonomics as the head remains freely movable Fatiguefree working over a longer period of time is possible preventing a lack of concentration nw Hall 4A Booth 152 Renesas Electronics Ultralow-Power Ra4l1 McUs Renesas Electronics introduced the RA4L1 microcontroller MCU group including 14 new devices with ultralow power consumption advanced security features and segment LCD support Based on an 80-MHz Arm Cortex M33 processor with TrustZone support the new MCUs deliver an unmatched combination of performance features and power savings The RA4L1 MCUs employ proprietary lowpower technology that delivers 168 µA MHz active mode @ 80 MHz and standby current of just 1 70 µA with all the SRAM retained They are also available in very small packages including a 3 66 x 4 30 mm2 Wafer-Level Chip-Scale Package WLCSP Key Features of the RA4L1 MCUs Memory 256-512 KB Dual-Bank Flash 64 KB SRAM 8 KB Dataflash Peripherals Segment LCD Capacitive Touch USB-FS CAN FD Low Power UART SCI SPI QSPI I2C I3C SSI ADC DAC Comparator Low Power Timer Real-Time Clock Security Unique ID RSIP security engine supporting TRNG AES ECC Hash The RA4L1 MCUs are supported by Renesas’ Flexible Software Package FSP The FSP is providing all the infrastructure software needed including multiple RTOS BSP peripheral drivers middleware connectivity networking and TrustZone support as well as reference software to build complex AI motor control and cloud solutions It allows customers to integrate their own legacy code and choice of RTOS with FSP thus providing full flexibility in application development The FSP eases migration of existing IP to and from either RA6 or RA2 Series devices st Hall 1 Booth 234 PEAK-System Technik Novelties from caN fd to caN Xl PEAK-System is presenting new developments in the field of CAN technologies at embedded world 2025 The PCAN-RS-232 FD for example enables connection of devices with RS-232 ports to CAN 2 0 and CAN FD buses with flexibility thanks to its free programmability The PCAN-GPS Pro FD was developed for precise acquisition of position acceleration and attitude data in harsh environments GNSS data acquisition works with an update rate of up to 25 Hz With the two Lemo sockets the device can be easily integrated into measurement chains With a CAN XL starter package PEAK-System makes it possible to get started with the new CAN XL standard The package includes an USB interface comprehensive monitoring software with CAN XL support and an API for integrating a CAN XL connection into selfcreated software As part of HMS Networks PEAK-System will also be presenting Ixxat automotive gateway solutions at its booth this year The gateways enable access to various bus systems in vehicles for example for diagnostic logging and visualization applications nw Hall 1 Booth 304 Rohde Schwarz isolated Probing System The new R S RT-ZISO isolated probing system from Rohde Schwarz delivers unprecedented accuracy sensitivity dynamic range and bandwidth for next generation wide bandgap WBG power designs with SiC and GaN It is ideal for applications like switching analysis of power converters doublepulse testing floating measurements shunt measurements inverter design and motor drive analysis The probing system provides precise differential measurements of up to ±3 kV on reference voltages of ±60 kV with a rise time of <450 ps and suppresses fast commonmode signals that could distort and interfere with accurate measurements Its poweroverfiber architecture galvanically isolates the DUT from the measurement setup providing a much higher commonmode rejection ratio CMRR than conventional differential probes The R S RT-ZISO is the perfect addition to Rohde Schwarz oscilloscopes from the MXO 4 MXO 5 and MXO 5C series enabling measurements with world’s fastest acquisition in the time and spectrum domain thanks to the oscilloscopes’ hardwarebased acceleration nw Hall 4 Booth 218 Sensepeek handsfree oscilloscope Probes The new SQ series of handsfree probes from Sensepeek have a lower point of gravity making them even more stable than the original SP series of handsfree probes All probes in the SQ series are also insulated and can be used handheld as any traditional probe But their full potential is used when measuring handsfree The SQ series of oscilloscope probes also include more ground options have probe tip protection longer cable and support for oscilloscopes with automatic scaling 10 1 All popular features of handsfree measurement exchangeable fine pitch spring tipped test needle colorcoded cable holders and minimalistic design is maintained to make traditional sized and handheld probes obsolete Both length and weight of the SQ probes are perfectly balanced to be used with the included PCB holders and base plate which is a must for handsfree function The probe holder comes with a powerful magnet in the base as for all PCBite probes and holders which makes the probe easy to place and reposition nw Hall 4 Booth 407